240-766-5388 info@growonpurpose.org

About Us


Grow On Purpose was created to equip Women and Youth with the tools and support they need to be empowered to grow into their purpose on purpose and lead happy successful lives.  We offer wholistic mind, body and spirit life coaching to guide our clients back to a life of wellness and fulfillment.  Our skill based life coaching affords our clients the opportunity to identify and meet their challenges head on with support and techniques that they learn and apply immediately to see positive results and most of all GROWTH.

Too often Women and Youth suffer in silence and become stagnant.  They don’t understand how to navigate life’s challenges and become victim’s of life, believing that they can’t better or deserve better.  A numbness sets in and they develop destructive coping mechanisms or even become suicidal.  Grow On Purposes emphasizes the importance of being strong willed and cultivating persistence, perseverance, responsibility and accountability to use one’s personal power to change their own circumstances and create a life they love.  It is our birthright to be completely happy, healthy and totally fulfilled in every area of our life.  Let’s grow together!


Who We Serve

A Message From the Founder –  Nicole Thomas

GOP Founder - Nicole Thomas

As a woman and foster care parent, I fully understand the depths of the challenges and obstacles that Women and Youth face on a daily basis with very little compassion or understanding from others.  There is huge lack of resources and assistance to provide proper support for these individuals to just be happy and get the most out of life.

I was raised to be extremely self sufficient in a very rigid Christian household as a child which prepared me to be a great mom and caretaker for others.  I got my first feel for being a life coach at the age of 20 while working as a hair stylist.  Listening and coaching my clients through their relationships, career and self-esteem issues, it was then that I knew I had a love for helping others and that it was part of my life’s work.  I got married young.  I was married to my ex-husband for 14 years with 10 children between us.  Our house was always full. In my 30’s, I transitioned to becoming a foster parent. I have been a licensed foster parent for 7 years, believe me I know how rough it is out there.  Many times, the children came to me with very little and I had to scramble to figure it out with very little resources.

In 2009 I became ill.  It wasn’t until a year later that they found out what was wrong with me.  I was diagnosed with esophageal and reflex aspiration which causes chronic bronchitis and respiratory issues.  I was bed ridden and could barely move.  And I began questioning, “How did I get here?” I kept thinking there has to be something better.  One day I heard God say, “heal thyself”.

I developed this thirst for truth about God and spirituality.  I always questioned why it seemed like most people in the church was sad, broke and powerless when the bible said “greater works shall you do”. I would always say, “Something is missing.” I searched the bible high and low but still nothing changed. One day I prayed and asked for truth in all things and to never be deceived. My whole world was shook after that prayer.  I realized I knew nothing, and my journey began. Spirit started speaking and teaching me the truth in all things. 

It wasn’t until I met Dr. Neteira Anu El that I began to understand what my gifts are and how to use them. Dr. Anu walked with me and gave me greater understanding of what Spirit was revealing to me.  I studied under Dr. Anu for five years.  Dr Anu is my Master Teacher and Mentor. Through this journey I learned that illness is your body’s way of speaking to you.  Metaphysics teaches that disease is nothing more than dis-ease that has developed in your body.  Once we discover what the root of the dis-ease is we can heal ourselves. I learned that everything we need to be great and live are best lives is already inside us. I have the gift of discernment, I am an empath, and I move energy through prayer. It is my divine purpose to inspire and assist people in becoming their best self, live their best life and to grow on purpose .

While on my path I have met so many Women and Youth that experience the same challenges I did and who had the same questions about life and Spirituality.  I knew I had to do more.  I kept praying and asking for the answer and my prayers were answered with Grow on Purpose.   At that moment I decided that it was time to the take the “work” to another level.  I became a spiritual counselor and a licensed life coach with the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and received my Doctoral Degree in Metaphysics from The Anu Practice .  It is truly an honor to be gifted with doing this work and I hope that you will choose to LIVE and GROW in peace, love and joy.  My team and I would love to work with you!  Let’s grow together!

Anything that doesn’t grow is dead.  Let’s grow together!